Silbury Boulevard Planters
Tuesday 09 January 2024
10:45 to 13:30
We’ll be replanting one of the quadrant planters near Lloyds Court this week (and we plan to replant the other one in two weeks time). It’s taken a long time to get to this stage for reasons beyond our control, so we really hope this happens this week - and we need plenty of volunteers to help us get this done. We’ll be removing any new weeds from one of the planters, putting membrane down to stop them coming back, and covering it all with bark mulch. Then we’ll plant some new shrubs and herbs through the membrane. It will likely take a whole session to get this done on one planter. It’s going to be cold, so wear suitable clothing!
Please meet from 1035 by the planters at the corner of North 10th Street and Silbury Boulevard.
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